Evisceration à l'africaine pour mes voyous! Perforation napolitaine pour les fous!
Salutations z'a tous mes rabzas a ptzit ptzit couteau et mes antillais à la machette louurdeuh!!
Et grus haut à mes secoueurs de kukri! La lame sale qui te découpe, viendu depuis le népal jusque dans ton cul...
Les jaunes félés qu'on devrait lâcher au cul des jeans slims... Le sorte de tartare de fruits au sang que ça donnerait...
Traficage : j'vous rajoute la source de l'image. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/artic ... -side.html
Et surtout le passage lô...
Just picture the scene as a soldier returns from hunting an arch-enemy. Commanding officer: 'Did you get him?' Soldier: 'Yes, sir.' Commanding officer: 'Are you sure?' Soldier: 'Yes, sir.' Soldier reaches into rucksack and places severed head on table.
Commanding officer: ' ****!' If it happened in a bois de houx movie, the audience would either laugh or applaud. But there was no laughter the other day when this happened for real in Babaji, Afghanistan, current posting for the 1st Battalion, Royal Gurkha Rifles.
The precise circumstances will not be determined until an official report has been completed, but reliable military sources have confirmed that a Gurkha patrol was sent out with orders to track down a Taliban warlord described as a 'high-value target'.
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